Château de Versailles
The Château of Versailles was the center of political power in France from 1682 until the royal family was forced to return to the capital in 1789, after the beginning of the French Revolution. When the château was built, Versailles was a country village.

Galerie des Glaces

Versailles is a dream. It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever been to & I highly doubt there will be a place I love more, no matter how much I try. The Château & the gardens are the exact representation of Heaven, in my opinion; if I die & won’t go to Versailles I’ll be seriously disappointed. One of the first things I did when I came back to Brazil was to watch Sofia Coppola’s “Marie-Antoinette” & it was awful: I cried & sobbed for over an hour. I made a post just for her room, click here to see more.
We took the train that connected Paris to the city & that’s where our surprises begun: the wagons’ walls are fully decorated with rococo ornaments, from flowers & birds to pink frills. The city itself is adorable {I’d define it as the ultimate suburbian dream} & it surrounds the château. The first thing you see are the golden gates & the vastness of the castle. After a few moments mesmerized outside, we got in; the chapel is the first room & the details are impressive {they do not allow visitors inside}. After going through a couple of rooms, we reached the Galerie des Glaces {I took the best mirror selfie ever} & yes, it’s as perfect as you imagine it. But I wasn’t satisfied yet: there was one more particular room I was willing to go – la Chambre de la Reine.
The garden is epic, the lake is so extense there were rowing teams training; we sat there to rest & swans came to us, to make that moment even more unbelievable. We walked until the Petit Trianon, a small castle where Marie Antoinette lived too; unfortunatelly we had no time to go to le Grand Trianon nor le Domaine de Marie-Antoinette.
No matter how much I try, I’ll never be able to translate what I lived there; it’s a dream – the most glorious & beautiful one – & if you wish enough like I did you’ll live it too.
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