La Seine & Pont des Arts
La Seine is an extense river in the north of France & bifurcates the city of Paris into left & right banks {rive gauche & rive droite}. The beauty of the river not only captures our current imaginations: it has mesmerized & seduced since pre-medieval times; it has inspired many artists, as Henri Matisse, Claude Monet, Georges-Pierre Seurat & many others. There are 37 bridges within Paris, as the Pont Neuf, Pont des Arts & Pont Alexandre III.

Pont des Arts
The Pont des Arts is a bridge in Paris which crosses La Seine; it has been featured in numerous films & television shows. It links the Institut de France and the central square of the Palais du Louvre. In recent years, many tourist couples have taken to attaching padlocks {also known as “love locks”} with their first names written or engraved on them to the railing or the grate on the side of the bridge, then throwing the key into the Seine river below, as a romantic gesture. This gesture is said to represent a couple’s committed love.

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