La Sainte-Chapelle is a royal medieval Gothic chapel, marked by its sense of weightlessness & strong vertical emphasis. The interior is filled by the stained glass windows {including the famous rose window with flamboyant tracery} & every inch of the remaining wall surface is also richly coloured & decorated.

After visiting the Panthéon, we started the Gothic tour: the Sainte-Chapelle & Notre-Dame. On the Saint-Chapelle we first entered the lower chapel & we were a bit disappointed: it looked like a random medieval store, a small room with cute castles on the walls & a souvenir shop. We had no idea what was waiting for us when we stepped on that little stair towards the main chapel. Delight. I used to imagine during History of Art classes how amazing would be to see the lights inside a Gothic church with stained glasses & I finally saw that. I can’t describe how I felt looking at those incredible pieces of colorful glass touching the sky. I wonder how a person centuries ago used to feel inside these churches; being inside these walls do make any human believe in God.
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